Unit 5-774 Bay Street / Victoria BC
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The Learning Curve

Family, Care Giver &
Professional Support Programs


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LDABC Learning Curve Programs

Program Information

Family, Care Giver, and Professional Support Programs have changed! If you would like us to contact you regarding the options available or if you have any questions, please contact us for more information.
business 01-1000


Through the Eyes of a Child


Worry, Stress and Anxiety


Alpha Children


Aggression and Self Control


Attention Challenges and Self Regulation






Early Childhood Mentoring Project


Social Development


Parent Support Group


Individual Consultations

Through the Eyes of a Child

Parents and care providers are reporting increased frustration, stress, aggression, and other related challenges that are well documented in our children and youth, but not well understood; especially during these challenging times. And, adult direction, teaching, or intervention seem to have little effect or can even make matters worse. Care providers are invited to join us and share their experiences, as we gain insight into the root causes of many challenging behaviors and develop an understanding of how we can help children to grow out of these behaviors.

Details and Registration

Facilitated by: Debbie Cybulski

WHEN: January 24, 2024, 6:30pm-8:30pm

COST: $20.00

Events & Workshops

September 24, 2024
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Worry, Stress and Anxiety
There is an increase in children, at younger ages, being referred to mental health professionals for anxiety related problems. This workshop will look at anxiety through a developmental lens and explore how adults can help children to prevent or reduce the impact and prevalence of anxiety disorders and increase resilience.
Details and Registration

Facilitated by: Debbie Cybulski, RSW

WHEN: March 19, 2024, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

COST: $120.00

Financial assistance may be available to families with children attending Fernwood Child Care/Out of School Care Programs.

Events & Workshops

March 26, 2025

6:30pm – 8:30pm



Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Alpha Children
A growing number of children (and youth) are presenting as demanding, prescriptive, bossy and controlling. They are unable to follow the lead or direction of adult care providers. Alpha children can be challenging to manage and, by their nature, are more likely to present with troubling behaviour. This is making the child-adult dance much more difficult than it used to be or needs to be, despite the plethora of advice-giving and strategies available today. Internationally renowned developmental psychologist Dr. Neufeld uncovers the surprising roots of the alpha complex and in doing so, opens the doors for lasting change: in the family, in care settings, in the classroom and in society.

This video course has been developed by internationally renowned developmental psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld, a best-selling and award-winning author. His revolutionary yet scientific approach turns parenting right-side-up, restoring natural intuition to parenting and putting parents back in the driver`s seat. His book, Hold On To Your Kids is causing an international stir and is now available in eight languages. This video course takes the best that science has to offer and renders it readily accessible to parents and care providers of children of all ages. Dr. Neufeld’s approach has won powerful endorsements from such luminaries as Dr. Daniel Siegel, Dr. Mary Pipher, Raffi, Dr. Peter Levine and Robert Bly.

Details and Registration

For information about Dr. Neufeld or his approach visit his website: www.neufeldinstitute.com

Facilitated by: Pamela Tobin, Debbie Cybulski, Cristi Oldfield Lindsay 

WHEN: November 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th via Zoom (4 sessions)  6:30 pm-8:30 pm

COST: $120.00

Click here to register and pay

Events & Workshops

November 8, 15, 22, 29th 2023

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm 


Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Aggression and Self Control
While temper tantrums are part and parcel of the growing-up developmental process, for many reasons, some children can experience intense emotional reactions (at any age) that leave adults bewildered, triggered, frustrated, or questioning what to do. Often, typical strategies do not seem to have an effect and in many cases, make the situation worse. This workshop will explore the roots of aggression, how self-control and impulse control are developed and how we can assist the developmental process.
Details and Registration

Facilitated by: Pam Tobin & Cristi Oldfield Lindsay

WHEN: February, 20, 2024, 6:30pm-8:30pm

COST: $20.00

Events & Workshops

February 19, 2025



Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Attention Challenges and Self Regulation

Raising children is challenging enough without the often contradictory and anxiety-provoking, information about attention challenges. This workshop will provide the opportunity to deepen their understanding of how attention and self-regulation are achieved, the challenges that can arise, and how we can assist the process.

Our objective is to provide parents with the opportunity to:

  • Share their concerns and triumphs
  • Connect with others experiencing similar challenges
  • Deepen their understanding of attention challenges
  • Understand how parents can positively influence their child’s behavior and resilience.
Details and Registration

Facilitated by: Debbie Cybulski, RSW

WHEN: November 21, 2023, 6:30-8:30

COST: $20.00

Events & Workshops

November 26, 2024

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm via Zoom


Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Our instinct as humans when feeling coerced or demanded upon (positive or negative) by another is to push-back or do the opposite of what is being asked. Whether a toddler, teen or partner in marriage, this expression of ‘will’ is innately alive in us. Why? It is an expression of a basic universal principle: for every force there is an equal and opposite counterforce. It is a defensive, instinctive reaction to perceived control or coercion. Because this reaction lives deeply within a family of instincts, it is rarely the “on purpose” response it can appear to be. The more we communicate our ‘will’ with our children concerning their behavior, the more likely it will call for push-back (No!). This can feel frustrating and triggering for those raising or working with children and can lead to interactions that may feel counterintuitive and exhaustive!

Join us for an introductory discussion to make sense of the reactions we face in relationship with our children’s counter-will and to find ways to support healthy development. Further opportunities to explore this important dynamic will be offered to those interested.

Details and Registration

Facilitated by: Pam Tobin & Cristi Oldfield Lindsay


COST: $20.00

Events & Workshops

March 27, 2024

6:30pm – 8:30pm via Zoom



Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Growing into our maturity or crossing the bridge from childhood to adulthood is a naturally turbulent, often confusing, and challenging transition. It can also be a very misunderstood passage, both by the adolescent and the adults in their care. For this reason, many are not making the voyage across, and are facing the consequences of this arrested maturity. Join us to discuss how we can equip our teens (and ourselves) to support and trust the developmental process that was meant to deliver them to their full potential.
Details and Registration
Facilitated by: Pam Tobin

WHEN: November 24th 6:30 pm-8:30 pm

COST: $20.00

Events & Workshops
November 24th
6:30 pm-8:30 pm

Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Early Childhood Mentoring Project

The Mentoring Project is a collaboration between LDABC The Learning Curve and Victoria Child Care Resource and Referral (VCCRR). With funding, input, and support provided by VCCRR, our Project offers mentorship, professional development, parent workshops, and consultation services to Child Care Providers and families. Our focus is to bridge sound developmental science and theory with healthy childcare practices to ensure the health and well-being of children in our care.

Services include:

  1. Professional Development Workshops
  2. Outreach Consultation to Preschools and Early Childhood Centers
  3. If you have concerns regarding a child’s behavior or learning, we are available for virtual or onsite consultations and observations. Please contact outreach@ldasvi.bc.ca COST: Free of charge. Funding provided by VCCRR.
  4. Parent and Caregiver Consultations
    If you are concerned with your child’s development, consultations can be scheduled when convenient. Every Thursday. In-person or online options are available between 3 and 8 pm. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, please contact outreach@ldasvi.bc.ca to schedule a virtual or in person sessions.
Events & Workshops

Please email us to register and for more information.

Understanding Social Development

Are you concerned about your child’s social skills? You are not alone! Concerns regarding a child’s social skills are in the top 5 calls out of 2500 inquiries per year to our centre. We have facilitated social skills groups for children and youth for over 20 years and now limit the practice based on experience and backed by science.  We will discuss how social skills are developed to bring new insight into how parents and care providers can facilitate social development.

Details and Registration

Location: ONLINE via Zoom

WHEN: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm

COST: $20.00

Events & Workshops

October 22, 2024

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Parent Support Group
Please join us for an informal opportunity for parents to share their concerns and support each other.
Details and Registration

Location: ONLINE via Zoom


COST: Free

Events & Workshops

Coming Soon


Please fill out the registration form to register for this program.

Individual Consultations
Families or care providers are welcome to schedule individual consultation sessions when convenient.
Details and Registration

Location: ONLINE or in person

WHEN: Open

COST: $50.00/session Please let us know if cost is a barrier

Events & Workshops

ONLINE or in person


Please fill out the registration form to register and schedule your consultation.

Resource Centre

Due to the volume of visitors, appointments or visits are by appointment only. Please call the centre to book a convenient time to visit. Weekend and evening scheduling is available.
Our resource centre has a lending library with the large number of resources on learning disabilities and related topics. Please note that the annual membership to borrow materials is $10.00. Please click here to download our Library Application Form for more details.

Our centre is located at:

Unit 5-774 Bay Street
Victoria BC
V8T 5E4

Please feel free to book an appointment by calling the resource center or by emailing info@ldasvi.bc.ca.