Unit 5-774 Bay Street / Victoria BC

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Unit 5-774 Bay Street / Victoria BC

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The Learning Curve


About Advocacy

The Right to Learn

Working with your child’s school as a member of a caring and committed team is a privilege and a right asa parent of a child in BC’s education system. Education professionals are there to ensure children and youth participate and benefit from a solid education. When your child experiences difficulty in school it can feel overwhelming. Be sure to share your concerns with your child’s teacher and ask for support.

Know Your Rights

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS is a project of the Learning Disabilities Association of BC, South Vancouver Island Chapter (LDA-SVI) in partnership with the Law Foundation of British Columbia and the BC Government.

The purpose of this project is to provide parents of children with Learning Disabilities (LD) and/or Attention Deficit Disorder (AD/HD), with information that will help them to be effective advocates for their child. Know Your Rights has been researched and written to help you with this important task. We hope you will make use of the information in this booklet to support your on-going advocacy efforts and to make sure your child receives the best education possible.

Please click on the appropriate link below for free download of our booklets. You can also order a hard copy of the material by submitting this Order Form to LDA-SVI at info@ldasvi.bc.ca or by fax 250-370-9421.

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Advocacy for Students

Please click on the appropriate button below for a free download of our booklets. You can also order a hard copy of the material by submitting this Order Form to LDA-SVI at info@ldasvi.bc.ca or by fax at 250-370-9421.


School can be difficult for students who have Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Deficit Disorder. Many students with LD don’t like school. They find the work too hard or too boring. Some kids have bad experiences or don’t have their needs met. Understanding your Learning Disability and what can be done to help takes time and effort.

You might wonder why bother? THIS IS ULTIMATELY ABOUT YOU, and you will benefit for the rest of your life if you learn how to help yourself now. You need to believe in yourself. Remember, no one is good at everything – Like all people, people with LD have talents and skills that are unique! You also deserve and will require to be treated respectfully if you are to find those special talents. Like all children and youth, you need support and understanding!

At school, there are many people involved in making sure you receive an appropriate education. You need to take responsibility for knowing what you are entitled to and what you are responsible for in your education. This hand-book will help you.

Advocacy for Parents

Please click on the appropriate button below for a free download of our booklets. You can also order a hard copy of the material by submitting this Order Form to LDA-SVI at info@ldasvi.bc.ca or by fax at 250-370-9421.


Parenting a child with exceptional abilities means that you have become an exceptional parent, acquiring a set of skills and a knowledge base that most guardians will not require. Finding the appropriate resources to support your child’s needs requires an understanding of your child’s learning needs, knowledge of the policies and processes that govern their education and effective communication skills.

One of the most challenging aspects of advocating for your child is to understand and negotiate the complex maze of special education regulations, policies, and laws that control how your child’s educational programs and services are delivered over his/her thirteen years of education. You are the most important advocate for your child. The Guardian booklet helps you understand what your child is entitled to and how to access it.

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