Unit 5-774 Bay Street / Victoria BC

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Unit 5-774 Bay Street / Victoria BC

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The Learning Curve Society

LDABC The Learning Curve supports families and educates and advocates for children and youth experiencing learning and/or behavioral challenges.

Child and Youth Programs

Family, Care Giver and Professional Support Programs

Family, Care Giver, and Professional Support Programs have changed!

About us

The Learning Curve Society
in Victoria BC

The South Vancouver Island Chapter was formed in 1981 by a group of committed parents and teachers who were concerned about their children, or children in their classrooms who were not reaching their potential. LDA-SVI is the only organization on Vancouver Island providing these specialized programs for children and youth.  

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What We Stand For

The quality – outcomes for children, youth, and families – of our services, especially given our small resource base. Small but mighty.



The Learning Curve’s vision is a community where diverse learning needs are met.



The Learning Curve supports, educates and advocates in partnership with families and care providers with children and youth who experience learning and behavior challenges.



We believe that the greatest personal growth and learning occurs when children are provided with safe, nurturing environments that recognize and celebrate their strengths. Current research and an expansive theoretical base reinforce how emotions impact brain development, belief in one’s capacity to learn, and a sense of hope for future success in learning. This understanding informs all aspects of our work. We also believe that parents who recognize that learning can be a struggle and honor the learning journey of their child or youth, with compassion, are crucial to the processes of development and learning. Our approach is twofold: Parents and care providers must also have their strengths acknowledged and nurtured for the potential of children to be reached. The results are life-changing for the children, youth, and families we work alongside.

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Learn More

What is a Learning Disability?

Learning Disabilities refer to a number of disorders which may affect cognitive processes related to perceiving, thinking, remembering and/or learning. These may include language processing; phonological processing; visual spatial processing; processing speed; memory and attention; as well as planning and decision-making functions (Learning Disabilities of Canada’s link).


Support LDABC The Learning Curve
by donating today!

Our Partners

We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia through the Community Gaming Grant Program.

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ldabc The Learning Curve
Unit 5-774 Bay Street
Victoria BC V8T 5E4


Phone: 250-370-9513
Fax: 250-370-9421



More Information

Please allow 5 business days for reply by email. If you require immediate assistance, please call the Resource Centre where calls are returned by the next business day.

The Resource Centre is open to the public and we would be happy to arrange a booked appt. that suits your schedule

Please feel free to book an appointment by calling the resource centre (250 370 9513) or by email (info@ldasvi.bc.ca)

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